Duncan Racing offers complete In-House machine services to accommodate their complete 2 & 4 Stroke ATV and UTV Engine Building Services. DR services include. Over 100 years experience. All workmanship guaranteed
Cylinder Boring and Honing
Crankshaft Rebuilding
Cylinder Resleeving
Flywheel Machining/Lightening
Stud and Tread Repair
Serdi 4-Stroke valve Seat Machining
Big Valve Installation
Seat installation
2 & 4 Stroke Port Modifications
Case Boring
Carburetor Boring and DR Super Flow Mods
Case Welding and Repair
DR also offers the above service on individual components. Ship parts to DR-DR will perform required modifications and ship back. Include DR Work Order Form will ALL parts shipped to DR.
DR carries a full line of parts to complete machine shop services including; OEM Parts, pistons, valves, guides, springs, rods,bearings, gaskets, studs, jets/needles etc.
Contact Duncan Racing for more information phone 619.258.6306 , email