Blaster Keihin 35mm PWK Carburetor

Blaster Keihin 35mm PWK Carburetor


IN STOCK- CALL TO ORDER # 619-258-6306

urchase Options
Part # K-CR35-K Keihin 35mm PWK Carburetor Kit with CR Throttle & Cable $499.00

Part # K-35-PJ Keihin 35mm PWK Carburetor(only) $399.00

Part # 01-874 Throttle Cable Blaster Thumb to 35mm PWK Carburetor $49.95

All Carburetor Kits Are PreJetted by DRI
No company in the ATV industry has more carburation experience and offers better instructions and customer service than DRI

Optional Items
DRI SUPER FLOW Carburetor Mod $60.00 (each carb)

Part # K-JK01 Jet Kit $ 99.00

Part # DR-3234 MasterFlow Intake Manifold System $159.95

Part # PRV-320 PYRAMID Reed Valve $249


Models: Yamaha Blaster

Engine Modifications Recommended:
Work best with professionally ported cylinders.
If used with stock cylinder porting, compression should be raised 10-20%.
Example:To raise compression without porting DRI can rechamber the stock head to raise compression

Power: Keihin 35mm PWK Carb delivers very good rideable horsepower. It will make the best power between 3/8 and Full throttle. Gain can be up to 12%

Best if used when Maximum Midrange and Top End Power is needed

Optional Upgrade Modifications
DRI SUPER FLOW mod. Is a machining modification performed in house by DRI. Improved performance on all Keihin carburetors at all air speeds. Improved air flow efficiency.
Works well in all applications

Reed Cage & Intake Manifold Recommendations
Stock intake manifold should NOT be used.
Use DRI MasterFlow Intake manifold system (see in INTAKE COMPONENTS Section on this website)
Carburetors will perform BEST when used with PYRAMID REED VALVES

Air Box Requirements:
DRI strongly recommends NOT using the stock OEM Blaster airbox with larger carburetors (like 34mm & 35mm). Because the air boot is too restrictive and stock box does not let in enough air. For DRI recommendations see below

Keihin 35mm PWK Carb works best when used with DRI 250R stock airbox (lid Removed), and K&N Air Filter. (slight modification to sub-frame and rear fender required) Price for box and adapter is $ 175.00 plus filter and outerwear. (call for additional information.

DRI also offers a clamp-on K&N filter if airbox upgrade is to expensive. Filter Price $42.50, Outerwear $15.95

Jet Kit Optional but recommended Jet Kit is built around settings DRI puts in Carburetors.
Kit is supplied with Richer and Leaner: Pilot Jets, Needles, Main Jets, in a polypro box.

Keihin 35mm PWK Carb works best with PTR Banshee Pipe & Fat Boy Silencer.It will do very well with either the Midrange or High Rev Version

Information Required From Client To Properly PreJet Their Carburetors

List of all Engine Modifications(porting, bore size etc.)

Pipe & Silencer

Air Filter & Box. Lid On or Off

Note if any Electrical Mods have been made

Kicking Compression (measured with engine cold)

Fuel Type and OOctane-PreMix Brand/Ratio


Temperature & Humidity

Type of Riding

Throttle of Choice. Thumb or Twist.

Weight of Rider

Skill Level Of Rider

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