IMS Fuel Tanks

IMS Fuel Tanks


Note: This is a specialty product and is not currently available for purchase online. Please call Duncan Racing International and a DRI staff member will assist you by collecting the required specifications and placing your order. Thank you.

Product Information:


12-2218           Hon ATC ‘85-’86 Tank (red, natural, black & white)                      2.2       4.0

12-2223           Hon TRX 250X/300EX Tank (red, natural, black)                          2.2       3.2

12-2225           Hon TRX250R '86-'89 Stk Rep (natural, white)                              2.6       2.6

12-2228           Hon TRX250R Tank (red, blue, natural, white or black)             2.6       4.0

12-2227           Hon 400EX Tank (red, black, natural)                                             2.6       4.3

12-2229           Hon TRX450R '04-'07 Tank (red, black, natural)                            3.1       3.7

12-2231           Hon TRX450 ‘08-'10 Tank (red, black, natural)                               2.7       3.7

12-2232           Hon 700XX Tank (black, red, natural)                                             3.0       4.8

12-3102           Kaw KFX700 '04-'09 Tank (black)                                                    2.7       4.0

12-3108           Kaw KFX450 '08-'10 Tank (natural, black)                                       2.6       3.7

12-3301           KTM 450/525 XC/SX Tank (black, natural)                                     2.43     4.0

12-4102           Pol Predator 500 Tank (black, natural)                                           3.25     4.0

12-4103           Pol Outlaw 500 (natural, black, red)                                              3.25     4.4

12-4104           Pol Outlaw '07-'08 MXR/450S, '08-'09 525 IRS, '07-'08 (black, natural)

3.9       4.9

12-4105           Pol Outlaw '09-'10 450MXR/450S (black)                                      3.0       3.7

12-5511           Suz LTZ400/Kaw KFX400 Tank (black, natural, white, yellow)     2.6       4.0

12-5512           Suz LT R450 Tank (Black, white, yellow, natural)                           2.6       3.6

12-7311           **Yam Banshee Tank 5.6 Gal (blue, white, black natural)             3.2       5.6

12-7315           Yam Banshee Tank 4.0 (blue, white, black natural)                        3.2       4.0

12-7312           Yam Warrior (black, blue, natural white)                                          2.4       3.8

12-7313           Yam Blaster Tank (white, blue, natural, black)                                2.38     4.0

12-7314           **Yam Raptor 660 Tank (white, blue, natural, black)                      3.2       5.0

12-7316 Yam YFZ450 3.6 Gal Tank (blue, black, red, natural, white)           2.6       3.8

12-7317 Yam YFZ450 R/450X (black, white)                                         2.6       3.8

12-9101 Bombardier DS650 Stock Rep. Tank (black, natural)                       3.5       5.0

**MUST CUT FENDERS for these fuel tanks


21-8351 Dump Can; 4 gallon w/o probe $105.00

21-8356 Dump Can 11 gallon w/o probe $125.00

21-8385 Dry Break Receiver $226.86

21-8381 Dry Break Probe Assembly $308.92

21-8391 Dry Break Stand $85.00

21-8394 Dry Break Dust Cap $9.95

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